Apr 17, 2013

When Did I Ever Feel So Angry?

Thanks for dealing with my radio silence again yesterday. There are a few things going on this month I"m juggling, but yesterday the most stressful stuff happened. I'll explain.
  1. James and I were tired of waiting for MEPS to call back (3 weeks) and we booked him a flight to Florida to continue his Navy process there.
  2. He told his recruiter office this was happening.
  3. James left yesterday in the morning to Florida. (Cue crying)
  4. Around lunch time a Navy Officer called me looking for James. He had been on vacation a few weeks, and was only able to get back to us today, of all days.
  5. Navy Officer says James can go back to MEPS. (proceed to scream)
  6. Call my husband after his flight lands (and $200 later) that he never had to leave.
  7. James's recruiter, Ross, claims to have been unwittingly unaware of everything.
  8. We'll need to spend another $200 on a ticket for him to fly back to Chicago.
So there you have it. Frustration, Crying, Anger, Rage, Frustration, and so on. As you can imagine, James and I and beyond words on this subject. So many people dropped the ball here it's not even funny.

On a lighter note, I intend to watch Defiance (SyFy) which premiered this week but I didn't catch it. We'll see if I like it and I can add it to my weekly line-up of things to watch.

I could use some pick me up words of wisdom...

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